Student Responsibilities

As Kalamazoo College is obligated to make accommodations to lessen the impact of learning disabilities on academic performance, so is the student obligated to certain actions that will assure the effectiveness of these accommodations. Acting on these responsibilities will not only facilitate current academic success, but also provide the foundation for success in post-graduate life.

Student is responsible for initiating contact with appropriate staff to make arrangements for approved accommodations. This could include the following:

  • Complete the Request for Accommodations form to initiate the request process.
  • Seek help from the professor, and/or the Senior Associate Dean of Students.

Student is responsible for carrying their part in implementing the accommodation. This could include the following:

  • Set up meetings with a professor to discuss and arrange for the specific accommodations.
  • Be prompt and prepared for alternative testing.
  • Take advantage of Learning Support resources on campus to supplement classroom accommodations.
  • Ask for the accommodation(s) as specified.

Student is responsible for initiating and continuing activities that treat the symptoms of the disability (if applicable). This might include the appropriate use of medication and initiation or continuation of counseling, or work with a medical specialist.

Student is responsible for initiating and continuing participation in activities that lessen the impact of the learning disability on academic performance. This could include the following:

  • Attend all labs and class sessions.
  • Spend an appropriate amount of time studying and preparing for the course, usually this is more than the recommended average time for Kalamazoo College students.
  • Use spell and grammar checks and proofreaders.
  • Reach out to the Reference Librarian to acquire audio textbooks if needed.
  • Make use of campus support systems such as: Supplemental Instruction, Counseling, Academic Advising, and the Learning Commons.
  • Use organizational calendars and time-management skills.
  • Find study places that reduce distractions.
  • Arrange for tutors to help with studying.